"FOR A VERY LONG TIME I HAD A CRISIS AND I WAS AFRAID TO JUMP HIGHER. I TRIED WORKING WITH TWO PSYCHOLOGISTS TO NO AVAIL. Not so long ago I met Lorna, who partners with Jocelin. They have a business. MINDEQ, in which they support people like me and work on mindset.

Since the beginning of our cooperation, I have noticed a huge change. I came out of the crisis and changed my attitude towards life and the riding aspect itself and started to enjoy riding again and appreciating what I have. I learned many ways to cope in stressful situations, I worked on my "traumas" related to riding as well as life outside the stable because this also affects us. If you have the opportunity, l highly recommend filling out an application for one-on-one coaching.

Karolina Wernerowicz

Arnika Van Assche

"Wanneer je passie geremd wordt door faalangst, wanorde of twijfel, dan is Jocelin de geschikte persoon om jouw passie samen uit te lijnen en de juist drive naar succes en zelfvertrouwen te bezorgen."

Nina De Buck

ā€œFor me the cooperation with Jocelin was the best idea I ever had. She made me level up from 1m10 to 1m30 with the best feeling. Going on show without stress, only having fun and doing our thing! Iā€™m very grateful for Jocelin her magic. And can only recommend her ! ā€œ

"I was a new mum and started riding and competing again. I struggled. I struggled to make time, struggled to make the time count when I did ride, struggled with thoughts that I wasnā€™t good enough, and struggled to set any goals. At first I didnā€™t think I was worth joining - but PEPP ended up helping me through all this and more!

Once I took the plunge, I have never regretted joining PEPP for a second! The support from the AMAZING group of people and riders all over the world is priceless. Creating a safe space for you to celebrate your triumphs and work through your problems.Ā 

The knowledge and support from Jocelin and Lorna is second to none. They make sure there are plenty of ā€˜ahaā€™ moments as you as you not onlyĀ  work on developing your confidence and improving as a rider, but so many other parts of your life.Ā 

PEPP hasnā€™t just been a game changer, itā€™s been a life changer"

Rhiannon Foster


San Danhieux

ā€œHet begon allemaal met de aankoop van mijn merrie. Die had al een aantal jaren niets gedaan en had naar het schijnt wel karakter. Heel spannend dus..
Dankzij de goede tips van Jocelin, heb ik durven opstappen en rijden. En ik kan deze tips nu weer goed gebruiken om na mijn zwangerschap, en dus weer een jaar niets doen, terug op te stappen. Dankzij haar hulp, weet ik dat dit zal lukken en lig ik niet al weken op voorhand nodeloos te stressen.

Maar buiten dat, heeft ze me ook geholpen om iets meer zelfvertrouwen te krijgen en mezelf te durven tonen op sociale media. Mijn eerste stories, mijn eerste posts, een giveaway,ā€¦ allemaal met een flinke duw in de rug van Jocelin. Ik begon zelfs omzet doelen te halen die ik ervoor niet voor mogelijk hield.
Door mijn zwangerschap heeft ook dit een tijdje stil gelegen. MAAR dankzij de goede follow up heb ik alles nog op papier staan en kan ik haar gouden raad gewoon weer opnieuw gebruiken šŸ™šŸ¼ā˜ŗļøā€œ

Vicky Van HammeĀ 

ā€œFor 37 years my secret dream was to event. It was secret cause I never talked about it. I just let it shimmer in my head. The only thing I truly did about it, was listening to the excuses I found not to do pursue this dream.

But as luck would have it, one day I found myself in the Mindeq facebookgroup which is where I met Jocelin. Since I knew deep down that my mind set was keeping me back and it just clicked with Jocelin during our first call, I soon decided to call her my mental coach.

After only a couple of months using her many tips, suggestions and with the occasional kick in my bump, I found myself going out for my very first eventing outing. Even though it was a training session at 60cm it was a huge accomplishment for me and having Jocelin there during day made it even better.

Six months later, I have registered for several training sessions at 90 and one of my bigger goals this year is to enter in the Miltary of Genk for my very first 3-day event at 90. And I know I will make this one come true just like all the other goals I have set along the way.

And itā€™s not just my horse riding life that has become so much better, I as a person have grown massively and Iā€™m finally becoming the person I really want to be.

So if you feel stuck or that you are going round in the same old circle. Look no further! The solution is right here.ā€œ


My journey through Pepp has been way beyond expectations.Ā 

It all started with me being shy and unsure on talking to others, specially about my insecurities and in a language is not mineĀ but then I thought, well, letā€™s try it.Ā 

Now that I look back itā€™s that kind of paths you have to take, you have to get out of your comfort zone!Ā 

In the first call I felt like in school, nervous and timidĀ but with such an incredible community itā€™s impossible not to feel comfortable all those ā€˜peppersā€™ have seen the best and the least good about me, not even close friends have, and what a support! I feel my heart full and know Iā€™ll never be judged, criticized, or feel less worthy in this community. we all support and cheer each other and make friends miles away but who can totally get you!Ā 

In a short paragraph, I can tell you in 6 months Iā€™ve been from not even cantering my older mare to jumping my young horse! From having no goals on my business to not only achieving my first one but doubling it. Also, Iā€™m super exited to my future as Iā€™m always learning and evolving and with PEPP I know Iā€™ll always have support and accountability, so to each and every one who is thinking about joining, please do! Do it for yourself! I never promise anything but if I were to promise something is that you will not regret it!Ā 

If you are willing to do whatever it takes! start here!

-Catarina De Jesus GonƧalves


How Iā€™ve changed since joining PEPP? well short answer is: I am more confident, I am more aware of why I do certain things or why I react certain ways, Iā€™m more positive and I now know that I can influence and change my mindset. That for me is what makes my life much better. I know now that I can change something, that I donā€™t have to be stuck when I have a setback. I have the tools and people to help me.

I have a community of people I can count on for advice, support, help and most importantly accountability.Ā 

My life is not easy at the moment, I got injured at the knee end of May and have not been able to ride since then but that has not stopped me from working on my mindset and attending the PEPP talks. In fact those talks helped me to continue working on myself even though I canā€™t ride at the moment and wonā€™t be able to for quite sometime. Considering I am a professional rider, groom and trainer it means my whole life is set ā€œon holdā€ because I physically canā€™t, but mentally it has been a big challenge. One I face every day, every time I have a setback , but I know I can just reach out and I also know it will be okay in the end. I can make a plan, I can set goals so that it feels like I will get to the end and get fit.Ā 

PEPP is such a strong program not only because of the talks and all the content but the community is so incredibly supportive, thatā€™s what makes PEPP so special in my eyes. People that also have your best interest at heart. It also helps people,Ā  like me who feel like they might be ā€œlessā€ or ā€œnot good enoughā€ hearing other people speak out and run in to similar problems or have similar feelings helps to make you feel more comfortable and then get you out of your comfort zone.Ā 

I have one more story Iā€™d like to share. In April I had entered myself and my young horse Redondo in a B level Eventing show. This was Our second B course together.


I just took the time to get back to my journal and check the goals I set when I started PEPP, so here's what I can say:

"When I started PEPP, my confidence was at rock bottom after a serious fall from my young horse relating in a smashed knee and ankle. I had started on doing mental work on my own before that but knew that after this incident I'd need help. The first goal I set for myself 6 months ago was to get up myself from the beginning. Since then, I've gone for canters on fields, rode in foreign places in the storm and started doing pole work in all gaits. But what's way more important for me is I once again find pure joy in my riding where way too long fear had taken over. I am excited about the journey my horse and me are on and our future as a team. I trust my horse, my abilities and the process and know that I will enjoy every step on the way. I've learned so much during the program and really enjoy the weekly calls which always give me a boost of motivation. The community is incredibly empowering and Lorna and Jocelin are brilliant coaches who will not let you stop before you've peeled all the layers and come to the core. I thank you both and the whole PEPP family from the bottom of my heart for helping me to get my sparkle back.Ā 

-Katja Kru

Val Joy

ā€œI am thoroughly enjoying the coaching with Jocelin. As a coach, she has helped me to reflect on my approach to showjumping and has helped identify areas for improvement. Using practical tools and techniques she has enabled me to shape and implement a set of REAL goals that have significantly improved my focus and performance as a rider.

Jocelin is easy to talk to and is a great listener who isnā€™t afraid to dig deep into the ā€œwhyā€™sā€ of things, which helps you to consider your actions in all aspects of life. We put so much time, money and hard work into our animals I can't believe its taken me this long to start focusing on my mindset to truly improve my performance. Val Joy šŸ˜ŠĀ ā€œ

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