1:1 Personalized Coaching

One key challenge that we have as humans is the tendency that we must believe our thoughts and the longer you hold that thought the stronger it gets. The more that these ideas become reinforced your mind creates fixed neural pathways which can be challenging to dislodge.

What is the main barrier that is preventing you from reaching your goals? Any of below sound familiar?


What we help with:


Lack of Confidence:

Are you wasting energy arguing with yourself trying to prove that you are a confident rider? Are you talking yourself out of doing challenging things? Are you waiting to FEEL confident before you move up?
We limit ourselves as riders when we think that we must always believe in our abilities and that we need to feel confident to put down our best performance. What if confidence was an action rather than a feeling? To become good at anything you need to practice in your stretch zone, you need to step out of your comfort zone. The bigger the step that you take out of your comfort zone, the greater the discomfort.


Perfectionism, self-judgement, predicting the worst, rehashing old failures, telling ourselves that we can’t do it, I am not good enough.
All of this relates back to caveman times, life was dangerous! If we were not good at spotting danger, we did not survive. We had to fit in with group behaviours or we would be excluded, being outside a group put us in massive danger. Helpful for survival not for peak performance.
FEAR IN ITSELF DOES NOT AFFECT OUR CONFIDENCE. If we dwell on our fears, worry about them, that is what creates problems.

Performing under pressure:

Humans on average spend 46.9% of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they are doing. So, how does this affect our performance? How many times have you been at a competition knowing that you are not riding to the best of your ability and get caught up in your thoughts wondering what other people are thinking of your performance? This is our thinking mind doing what it is good at, thinking, planning, problem solving and analysing. Our thinking mind makes it difficult to focus or ride in the moment. Learning to stay focused on the here and now and also the ability to connect with our horses helps us to ensure that we can ride to the best of our ability each time we train and compete.

Anxiety and Nerves:

How about instead of fighting with yourself to get rid of unhelpful thoughts or feelings from your mind or body, you change your relationship with them and learn to handle them more effectively so that they do not stop you from being the rider that you want to be and being able to perform to the best of your ability.

Drive and motivation:

Ever thought about WHY you do what you do? We help you find your motivation and drive by identifying your "WHY", your values and goals: Your why gives you the reason that something matters so much. Your values are the starting point which shapes your choices and decisions you make about your dreams and goals.

Riding skills development:

Are you stuck in the same old patterns and struggling to improve your riding skills? Are you frustrated by bad habits that seem impossible to break? We help you develop your riding skills by focusing on self-awareness and overcoming mental barriers. This method, referred to as natural learning, encourages you to trust your instincts and learn through experience rather than forcing progress. By quieting your inner critic and paying attention to your body's responses, you can break bad riding habits and adapt more effectively in the saddle.

Whatever you get in the future is a result of the choices that you are making right now! By deciding on what you want and taking action on that YOU CAN ACHIEVE WHATEVER YOU WANT. Your riding goals are not based on luck, you get to determine your future and it’s fully within your control!!

"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get the results you always had.” 

- Tony Robbins


Karolina Wernerowicz

“For a very long time i had a crisis and i was afraid to jump higher. I tried working with two psychologists to no avail. Not so long ago I met Lorna, who partners with Jocelin. Since the beginning of our cooperation, I have noticed a huge change.“

Nina De Buck

“For me the cooperation with Jocelin was the best idea I ever had. She made me level up from 1m10 to 1m30 with the best feeling. Going on show without stress, only having fun and doing our thing! I’m very grateful for Jocelin her magic. And can only recommend her ! “




Sports Psychology

Sport psychology explores how your mindset and emotions impact performance. For competitive riders, it’s about staying calm, confident, and focused under pressure. By applying sport psychology techniques, you can manage nerves, set effective goals, and build mental routines that keep you sharp and resilient. In short, it helps you perform at your best while enjoying the ride.

NLP & Hypnotherapy

Exploring your subconscious and conscious mind. Your conscious mind deals with logic and reasoning, always the observer. If you are feeling anxious or nervous that is an observation, but it’s not that part of your mind that created the anxiety, it’s just the part that noticed. To work properly at an authentic level, to bring about proper, sustainable level of change we must work with your subconscious.

Inner Game Methodology

The Inner Game methodology focuses on mastering the mental and emotional aspects of performance. For riders, this means developing self-awareness, managing inner dialogue, and staying present in the moment. By working on your inner game, you can reduce self-doubt, overcome distractions, and tap into a state of flow where riding feels effortless. This approach helps you build confidence and consistency in performance, allowing your natural abilities to shine through when it matters most.

ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)

Behavioural Therapy, all about taking action. Not any old action, based on your core values- behaving like the person that you want to be. ACT gets in touch with what really matters to you.




Jocelin is a Swedish event and show jumping rider living in Belgium, where she competes internationally in both disciplines.

After feeling frustrated with her lack of progress for many years, she delved into the areas of mindset, performance and skills development. She discovered that there is more to riding mastery than the traditional riding lessons and with that realization became a mindset & performance coach for equestrians.

Today she is teaching riders, from all over the world, to master the mental game and reach their full potential in the saddle through awareness, feel and self trust.


I am an event rider from Scotland who awakened my passion for Mindset after overcoming my lack of self belief through implementing the lessons in the Positive Equestrian Performance Program (PEPP).

After graduating from PEPP, I decided to further deepen myself in the subject by studying psychology and NLP, before becoming a coach in the program myself.

Being a competitive event rider myself, I absolutely love to be able to share my passion for the sport and mindset work with both other driven riders.


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Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about 1:1 Coaching.