The Secret to Transforming Your Riding with Simple Habits 🔎

Mar 14, 2024

What does it really take to turn your equestrian goals into habits?

Starting new habits can be tough, but here are some simple steps to make them stick:


  1. One at a Time: Focus on one new habit. Trying to do too much at once can be overwhelming. For example, choose either improving your riding posture or organizing your tack room, but not both.

  2. Pick the Easy Ones First: Choose a habit that's easy to start with. If it's cold and dark outside, maybe wait on starting those early morning rides. Instead, you could organize your riding gear or plan a feeding schedule.

  3. Plan It Out: Write down how and when you'll work on your habit. If you decide to practice new riding techniques, schedule specific times in your week for it. Planning helps turn your intentions into actions.

  4. Be Consistent: Do a little bit every day. It's not about doing a lot at once but keeping at it regularly. Consistency is key to making any new habit stick.

  5. Know Your Why: Have a clear reason for your habit. Want to improve your horse's health or become a better rider? Reminding yourself why you started can help keep you motivated.

Dive deeper into how to make habits stick, listen to the full Podcast Episode: Sticking to Good Habits 🎧


Changing habits doesn't happen overnight, but with persistence, you and your horse will see the benefits. Start small, stay focused, and watch as you both grow stronger together!

Do you have any questions? Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]  💌



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