Ride Smarter, Not Harder 🏇🏻

Mar 25, 2024

Do you want to unlock the intuitive connection between you and your horse?  

Today we are going to talk about intuitive riding.
Drawing inspiration from Tim Gallwey's "The Inner Game," let's explore practical tips and insights to enhance your riding by tuning into your intuitive self.

Understanding Self 1 and Self 2
At the heart of Gallwey's theory lie two selves: Self 1, the critical, instructing voice, and Self 2, the doer with innate abilities. The breakthrough comes when we learn to quiet Self 1, allowing Self 2's natural skills and instincts to guide us.

Tips for Embracing Your Inner Rider

  1. Recognize the Voices: Start by identifying when Self 1 is speaking. These are the moments filled with "shoulds" and critiques. Awareness is the first step towards change.
  2. Practice Mindful Riding: Spend time riding without specific goals or corrections. Focus on the feel of the horse, the environment, and the rhythm of your ride. This practice encourages Self 2 to come forward.
  3. Use Visualization: Before riding, visualize a smooth, effortless ride. Imagine how it feels, sounds, and looks. Visualization strengthens Self 2's ability to perform without overt instructions.
  4. Reflect on Successes: After each ride, instead of focusing on what could have been better, reflect on what went well. This positive reinforcement encourages trust in Self 2.
  5. Incorporate Breathing Exercises: Use breathing exercises to calm the mind and reduce the chatter of Self 1. A calm rider allows Self 2's intuition and natural abilities to shine.
  6. Embrace Learning Moments: When mistakes happen, view them as learning opportunities rather than failures. This mindset shift reduces the influence of Self 1's criticism.
  7. Trust the Process: Trusting in Self 2's capabilities can be challenging but commit to the process. Trust builds over time through consistent practice and positive experiences.

By integrating these tips into your riding routine, you’ll start to notice a shift in how you communicate with your horse. It's about less control and more partnership, less criticism and more trust. Your journey towards intuitive riding is a path of self-discovery, leading to a more harmonious relationship with your horse.

Remember, the capability for remarkable riding is already within you. Trust in your inner rider, and let the journey unfold. To delve deeper into these concepts and enrich your understanding, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode: "Learn to Trust Your Feeling." It’s packed with insights and stories that will inspire you to embrace the power of intuitive riding.



If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at [email protected]u


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